Heifetz/Munch - Beethoven Violin Concerto in D, Op.61

Original master tape with unaltered recording. Created on customer request.


Tape size:


Original master tape with unaltered recording. Created on customer request.

Heifetz/Munch - Beethoven Violin Concerto in D, Op.61

Heifetz/Munch - Beethoven Violin Concerto in D, Op.61


Tape size:


Original master tape with unaltered recording. Created on customer request.

Heifetz/Munch - Beethoven Violin Concerto in D, Op.61 26.5 cm

Boston Symphony Orchestra
Heifetz’s Beethoven Violin Concerto with Charles Munch is the greatest recording of its kind. It’s pointless in a work this lyrical and calm to accuse Heifetz of overpowering the music–he doesn’t–and while there will always be favorite versions that view the work from a more, well, “olympian” perspective (Oistrakh/Cluytens, or Menuhin/Furtwängler, for example), Heifetz and Munch play the music with a classical poise and chiseled perfection that is very special. In the first movement particularly, the swift basic tempo produces a tension, a quiet energy that seems very much to Beethoven’s point, while the Larghetto and Finale couldn’t be better paced. It goes without saying that Heifetz’s flawless intonation and ear-catching articulation leave most other players in the shade, and if this comes across as “cold” to some listeners then that impression cannot be due to any lack of nuance or sensitivity.


Das Tonband wird von unserem Partner Horch House für Sie ganz persönlich erstellt.

Seit nunmehr 10 Jahren erscheinen unter dem Label Horch House Masterbandkopien renommierter Labels wie die Deutsche Grammophon, MPS, Sony Music, Warner Music und diverse andere. Horch House produziert Masterbandkopien, die sich der Klangtreue verschrieben haben und ein hervorragendes  Klangerlebnis mit Ihrer Bandmaschine ermöglichen. Um diese Klangtreue zu erreichen, ist die Arbeitsbasis das originale Masterband der jeweiligen Aufnahme. Von diesem wird ein Produktionsmaster erstellt und dieses ist dann die Grundlage für Ihre persönliche Kopie. Horch House setzt bei der Produktion ausschließlich auf Tonbandmaschinen von Studer | Revox.


The tape is produced for you personally by our partner Horch House.

For 10 years now, master tape copies of renowned labels such as Deutsche Grammophon, MPS, Sony Music, Warner Music and various others have been released under the Horch House label. Horch House produces master tape copies that are dedicated to fidelity and provide an outstanding sound experience with your tape machine. In order to achieve this fidelity, the working basis is the original master tape of the respective recording. A production master is created from this and then forms the base for your personal copy. Horch House relies exclusively on Studer | Revox tape recorders for production.

Created personally for each customer. Returns are therefore excluded.

Please also note the technical details



Technical details


Recording level

320 nWb/m



Tape material

RTM LPR90, metal reel

Separation track

0,75 mm

Recording format

1/4 inch, 2-Spur

Recording speed

38 cm/sec - 15 IPS

Technical details



Recording level

320 nWb/m



Tape material

RTM LPR90, metal reel

Separation track

0,75 mm

Recording format

1/4 inch, 2-Spur

Recording speed

38 cm/sec - 15 IPS