FAQ - Questions and answers for Service


Q: Can you give information about possible defects or the repair costs in advance?

A: Unfortunately, we cannot determine the fault by remote diagnosis. We therefore ask you to send the device to our factory and central service in Villingen, Germany or to hand it in personally. We will check the defective device/part in detail upon receipt and then get back to you with a cost estimate.



Q: How can I order spare parts?

A: Please send an email to service@revox.de and let us know which item and quantity you need. Please also include your address information so that we can then send you a sales quotation/proforma invoice. Please note that for orders below the minimum order value of 150.00 € net, we charge a minimum quantity surcharge of 25.00 €.



Q: Can I simply send my device in for repair?

A: You are welcome to send your device to our factory and central service in Villingen for repair. Please send your device only in the original packaging. If you no longer have the original packaging, you can order it from us for a fee. When sending in the A 700 tape recorder, please note that we no longer have the original packaging for this unit in stock. Please pack this unit yourself with care and be sure to send it only on a pallet and by freight forwarding. If you want to send in a turntable, please remove the cover and the turntable beforehand and tighten the three transport securing screws.
Please enclose the completed error report form with each shipment. You can download the form here: https://revox.com/en/repairs It is generally always possible to drop off the equipment on site.
The service opening hours are:
Monday - Friday: 08:00 h - 12:00 h (AM) and 1:00 h - 4:00 h (PM)



Q: Are there Revox devices that are no longer repaired?

A: In our factory and central service in Villingen, we no longer repair tube sets, M117 media servers and M57 music servers, M37 music servers, as well as the B230-SVHS, H30, B234 TV, B232 TV, Evolution TV, H34 TV, E542 Plasma TV, M642 Plasma TV, E632 Plasma TV, M617 LCD TV, M623 LCD TV, M630 LCD TV and M710 projectors.



Q: How long will it take to receive an estimate of costs?

A: As soon as we receive your repair device, we will inform you and send you a form with information and for the approval of the cost estimate. By signing this form, you are giving us the order to thoroughly inspect your unit and prepare the cost estimate. Our service technicians will check your device with the utmost care in order to be able to determine all faults and the resulting costs for the repair. You will receive a cost estimate from us within 3-4 weeks after receipt of the device. We ask that you avoid inquiries about the status of the cost estimate during this time, as this will cause further delays.



Q: Will I be billed for the cost estimate?

A: If you agree to have your unit repaired after receiving the cost estimate, you will not be billed for the preparation of the cost estimate. If the cost estimate is rejected, costs of € 180.00 per device plus packaging costs, shipping costs and VAT will be incurred. 



Q: Can I reach the service department by phone?

A: So that our service technicians can concentrate on the necessary device repairs, telephone inquiries are generally accepted via the head office (+49772187040) and are only forwarded directly to the responsible service employees during service office hours.
The service telephone hours are as follows:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 09:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 13:30 h - 16:00 h
Alternatively, you can contact us by e-mail at service@revox.de.  The e-mail will then be forwarded to the responsible employee and answered within 2 working days.